Saturday, July 24, 2010


The ever-expanding world of The Graphic Classroom is expanding with yet another addition to our staff of incredibly dedicated teachers who believe in the power of comics for students of all levels, which now includes the post-secondary sector.

Coming out of San Francisco State University with an MA in English Composition and a Teaching Post-Secondary Reading certificate, Ellen Ma has transformed from a comic book lover to an instructor who uses graphic novels in the classroom. After much enjoyment with using graphic novels in her college freshman English courses, Ma decided to further explore how instructors can use the text and images in a graphic novel to its fullest potential in order to meet students' needs in the composition classroom. Ma hopes that in the near future, she will be able to enter a Ph.D. program to conduct studies that may provide further insight on how one processes reading the text and images of a graphic novel.

A lover of films, comic books, video games, DIYs, and all things within "Geekdom", Ellen was born in New York and grew up in the Bay Area. Her favorite comic book writer will perhaps forever be Garth Ennis while Mike Carey and Warren Ellis are consistently fighting over for second place. 

Do not forget to read Ms. Ma's graduate thesis, available at The Graphic Classroom. Please help welcome Ms. Ma to the ranks of TGC. 

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