Friday, May 8, 2009


From the Editor

Yesterday was my last day of student teaching. It is less bitter and more sweet for me than others because I am returning to the same district and school this fall as a card-carrying, full fledged, certificated, licensed teacher. Oh, the sweet sound of it all. I will see my students - all 500+ of them - very soon. I am the computer teacher and I serve all K-4 students.

I am looking forward to a summer spent with my daughter. She and my wife have given up a lot to put me through school for the last three and a half years. They have gone without things and often gone without me, but we have persevered and came through the other side strong and happy.

This is the summer of daddy and daughter. We will read comics, build a trebuchet, travel, play, and spend quality time with one another. Sure, I have lesson plans to design, supplies to purchase, procedures to design, a room to set-up and, of course, comic reviews to write. She and I will play and enjoy and learn and grow and love.

I’m looking forward to nights and weekends with my wife. She’s quite bummed that she left working while we play, but finally my nights and weekends will be free to support her.

I’m happy to have time to read and review more comics and graphic novels this summer. I hope our summer line-up fulfills your needs. If you have the chance, drop us a comment or a private note ( We love to hear from our readers.

And now to the list:
  1. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra #3
  2. Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade #6 (of 6)
  3. Voltron: Defender of the Universe #5 (of 5)


Danielle M. said...

Congrats on finishing student teaching! It was a great feeling when I was done, too (Feb. 08). Of course, I got Influenza A a week later, so I didn't feel very celebratory.

It's so great having my own classroom :-) (a classroom which I hope to supply with graphic novels and comics, thanks to discovering your blog).

Best of luck next year. Enjoy your summer with your wife and daughter!

Mr. Wilson said...

Very cool. Your students will love them. I'm glad we could help.

Tracy (Comic Mom) said...

A small warning - this is what happened when my husband and daughter build a catapult!

Mr. Wilson said...


That's funny. That's for warning.