By Larry Litle
Contributing Writer
Author: Scott Nickel
Illustrator: Steve Harpster
Publisher: Stone Arch Books
Genre: Science fiction
Format: Library binding
Pages: 33
Color: Full color
ISBN-10: 1-59889-033-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-59889-033-4
Guided Reading Level: K
David and Ben flunked their history test because they did not study. When Ben’s older brother, Darrin, created a time machine, David and Ben try to go back in time to study and retake the test. Things go wrong and the boys end up back with the dinosaurs. They start to have fun with the plant-eating dinosaurs until the carnivorous T. Rex shows up. David and Ben must to get back to the future before T. Rex gets them.
This is a fun story about time traveling and dinosaurs. When I was a young boy, I loved any dinosaur book I could get my hands on and I would have loved this BLAST TO THE PAST. This book also hits on personal accountability and choices at a kid’s level.
My daughter loved the dinosaurs in this book, proving to me that dinosaurs transcend the gender gap.
The art by Stever Harpster is perfect for young children in its clear comic book style.
My Rating: Ages 7 to 10
Publisher’s Rating: Ages 8 to 10
This is a great story for the elementary classroom. It helps kids think about needing to make the right choices and being responsible for one’s bad choice such as playing video games instead of studying. I think the boys will love it.
This story has a Reader’s Theater along with a teacher’s version, allowing it to be read allowed in class and discussed afterwards. There are questions, writing prompts and Internet sites for further study at the end of the book.
I would highly recommend this book for second to fourth graders.
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