By Chris Wilson
Harper and The Graphic Classroom have teamed up to offer the very first Halloween giveaway ever to grace our hallowed hallways. The lucky winner of the giveaway will receive a free copy of THE SIMPSONS™ TREEHOUSE OF HORROR: DEAD MAN’S JEST.
From the press release of DEAD MAN’S JEST: Master of mirthful mayhem, Matt Groening, meets the Monsters of Rock (Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons, and Rob Zombie) in a heavy metal, Halloween-inspired Rock ’N’ Roll odyssey of head-banging, tongue-wagging, dead-raising frights and frivolity. Even “Mr. Nice Guy” Pat Boone gets in a “metal mood” with a twisted tale of dastardly demons and righteous redemption. From donut batter to ghoulish splatter, you’ll be tricked and treated to a chaotic comic collection chock-full of thunder-clapping hell spawn, chainsaw-toting monkeys, televisions run amuck, bible camp ghost stories, lime-flavored Squishee monsters, toilets of the damned, vampire tombs, the Evil Eye, and a very special tribute to EC Comics, the forebears of witty horror and suspense comic storytelling. It’s the Halloween jam of the century that’ll blow your mind and rock your soul!
If that isn’t enough, this Sunday is THE SIMPSONS™ annual Tree House of Horror television experience. The annual Halloween special is one of the most popular and anticipated episodes of the year.
How Does The Cavalcade of Classroom Comics Work?
We invite our readers of all ages to submit their own mini-reviews to the Cavalcade of Classroom Comics. Think of it as our own version of Reading Rainbow. Readers create a short review where they introduce their favorite piece of comic literature and tell our readers why they should read it. We will get a sense of what people enjoy reading.
We also encourage students (elementary, middle school, high school, or home school) to participate (with parental permission). Participants should submit their own mini-reviews to the Cavalcade of Classroom Comics. Only one review per person is allowed. What a great writing assignment and it is authentic and real-world. It also fulfills a persuasive writing standard.
We will take submissions until Friday, November 14, 5 p.m. CST, at which time we will close the contest and all entries will be entered into a random drawing. Once we have a winner, we will contact Harper and have the book sent out.
- Name of the Reviewer
- Full Address of the Reviewer
- Age of the Reviewer
- 100 words or less
- Title of the Work
- Author’s Name
- Illustrator’s Name (or penciler, inker, colorer, letterer, cover artist)
- Format (comic, graphic novel, trade paper)
- Issue Number (if applicable)
- Publisher
- ISBN number
- Explanation Why You Think It’s Great
By submitting your mini-review, you are giving The Graphic Classroom permission to have your mini-review published and the submission becomes the sole property of The Graphic Classroom. We will only print the first name of the reviewer, his or her age, and the city/state in which s/he lives. Like this:
Chris, age 35
Springfield, MO
All submissions to the Cavalcade of Classroom Comics will be published on the site soon after the contest ends, but only one person will win the contest. Please keep in mind, we have not yet reviewed this book, but it is THE SIMPSONS™ and it is Halloween. If you are a minor and your parents don’t approve of THE SIMPSONS™ or Halloween, then you can opt out of the contest but still submit your mini-review for publication. Just let us know that you do not wish to be in the random drawing.
Email submissions to Chris Wilson, abikerbard@mac.com
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