Thursday, July 10, 2008


Female superheroes abound this week. Originally, it was a search for strong female characters that brought me to comics in the first place. That’s when I discovered SOJOURN, published by the now defunct CrossGen Comics. I fell in love with Arwyn's beauty, strength, intelligence and perseverance. I have loved comics ever since. I was very pleased to have three different female focused titles hit my bookshelf this week.

Here is the list of comics that made it in my hot hands this week:

  1. The Amazing Spider-Girl #14
  2. American Dream #2, #3, #4, #5 (of 5)
  3. The Batman Strikes #47
  4. I Kill Giants #1
  5. Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century #16
  6. Jokers Asylum Penguin #1
  7. Magic Trixie
  8. Marvel Adventures Hulk #13

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