Friday, June 6, 2008


I’ve tried and tried to write as many reviews as possible to carry me through the summer semester. It’s been a lot of work, but has been a pleasure to read and review so many great things for the classroom. I hope to write more during the semester.

I have ordered a birthday present for two, 8-year-old twin boys. We go way back with the parents. The gifts include TINY TITANS #1-#4 and Super Friends #1-#3. We cannot wait to give them these titles; I think they will love them. Like many boys, they are not big readers. We are in hopes that these titles will cultivate an interest in reading. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Titles in this week:

  1. Bionicle Vol. 1: Rise of the Toa Nuva
  2. Deepak Chopra’s Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment #3
  3. Igor #2
  4. Kingdom of Hearts Vol. 1-2
  5. Marvel Adventures Hulk Vol. 1: Misunderstood Monster
  6. Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man #40
  7. Super Friends #2-#3
  8. Thor #6

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